1. Material on this web site -www.dapc.info is for informational purposes only.  The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding medical conditions.  Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this web site.2. Diabetes Association of Pierce County (DAPC) does not monitor or endorse, and is not responsible for any agency, research project, support group, class or event except for the events in which DAPC is the sponsoring agent, e.g. Panther Day Camp, diabetes self-care workshops, and public detection screenings.3. Readers may not alter the contents of any literature on the web site.  However, readers may download and make copies of literature to share with others, e.g. patients.4. Selling for profit downloaded literature is prohibited.  However, readers may charge to recover the cost of printing literature they will give to others, e.g. patients. Send mail to: DAPC; PO Box 110427; Tacoma, WA; 98411-0427, with questions or comments about this web site.

Fundraising Events

Diabetes Association Of Pierce County


​"Diabetes Association of Pierce County" is a recognized charity of the Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD).  If you, a family member or friend would like to support Panther Day Camp and our other community programs, please designate:

CFD Code:   0315930 (Washington State government employee)


Special contributions made in honor of births, marriages, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, and other celebrations are always appreciated.  You will receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.  The person being honored will receive a card announcing your gift, but the amount will NOT be disclosed.  Please provide the following information:

Your name, address, and phone number.
Name and address of person being honored.
Occasion (Birthday, etc.)
Amount of your donation.



A memorial contribution is a thoughtful and fitting tribute to the memory of a deceased friend or loved one.  You will receive an acknowledgement for tax purposes.  The family of the deceased will receive a card announcing your gift, but the amount will NOT be disclosed.  Please provide the following information:

Your name, address, and phone number.
Name of deceased.
Name and address of person to receive memorial card.
Amount of your donation.


A bequest is a gift made in your Will.  Any bequest to the Diabetes Association of Pierce County,regardless of size or value, can make a difference.  Your bequest maybe in the form of cash, real estate or personal property (such as household furnishings, objects of art, or medical supplies and equipment).  A simple sentence such as the following may be included in your Will:

I give the sum of $_______to the Diabetes Association of Pierce County, a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, or its successor organization, for its primary functions.


I give (describe real estate or personal property) to the Diabetes Association of Pierce County, a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, or its successor organization, for its primary functions.

[information]  You may also designate a percentage of your total estate, or you may designate the remainder of your estate after you have provided for your loved ones.

 If you have questions or need further information, regarding our agency or services, 
please call us at (253) 272-5134 - Tacoma.  
If you have questions on how to set up a Will or other estate planning instrument, 
please consult an attorney.

Thank you for remembering us.